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10 Reasons Why Detoxify Your Body is Essential for Good Health



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Detoxing your body must effectively start with the rejuvenation of your digestive system. It’s the only way to remove the large amounts of toxins, pathogens, overgrown yeast (candida) and parasites that can build up in your body over time. Essential

This build-up occurs after eating and drinking excessive amounts of the wrong foods. Ever-increasing air pollution and taking various medicines also help towards free radical damage and acidosis.

The result is a change of environment in your body that’s perfect for pathogens to grow whilst the liver and kidneys struggle to keep up and fight the acidic environment.
Just like cleaning your car or house, your body’s organs need cleaning too, or symptoms will start to show themselves in different ways, such as:

Frequent headaches, premature ageing, low energy levels, depression or mood swings, allergies, weight gain,

excessive body odour, indigestion/acid reflux and recurring yeast infections

The human body is a self-defending, self-repairing and self-replicating machine – but you must give it the right materials to detoxify properly.

Sometimes toxins are stored instead of filtered out of your body, leading to different effects and complaints: toxins stored in joints result in arthritis; in the muscle tissues, they cause rheumatism; and in the skin and organs, cysts and benign tumours can form. Are you storing internal toxins?


Seven Things You Should Know About Your Digestion:

Click on the titles below:

  • The functions of the body
  • What probiotics do
  • The good guys
  • The bad guys
  • An acidic pH can lead to cell malnutrition
  • Candida
  • How does the body naturally detox?
  • How do toxins weaken my immune system?
  • What you DON’T want to know about colon parasites


The functions of the body

The human body is constantly rebuilding itself on a scale of 300 billion cells every day of your life, combusting oxygen and glucose for energy, constantly rebuilding tissue, and replacing worn-out dead cells with new, fresh ones.

Virtually every cell in the body is replaced every seven years, estimated at 750 trillion cells. Some types of cells are programmed at the DNA level to be replaced more frequently.

For example, scientists discovered that red blood cells are replaced every 120 days, heart cells every two months, colon/intestinal cells every five days, skin cells every four weeks, bone structures every year, and stomach lining every two days.

Marvel in this understanding – because we all take it for granted and don’t give our bodies the nutrition they need to grow, repair and detox properly. And then we wonder why we’re ill!


What probiotics do

Having good digestion and a healthy diet is the secret to good health, allowing you to maintain constant energy levels.

You have about 3 lb to 4 lb of probiotic bacteria in your intestine (the good guys), which help you break down and absorb nutrients.

When you eat too much acidic food, your body’s cells cannot absorb much-needed nutrients.

These acidic foods also create a breeding ground for pathogens – bad bacteria, mould, fungi and yeast.

The pathogens rob you of the nutrients you’re eating to grow and repair your body, weakening and damaging your body by creating wastes that burden or even poison your body.


The good guys (probiotics)

Probiotics maintain the intestinal wall, keeping a healthy environment and preparing food for absorption into your bloodstream.

Probiotics also create beneficial substances, including a natural antiseptic, acidophilin, which aids digestion. They protect you against germs such as mild strains of salmonella.

With a stable alkaline environment and your probiotics working efficiently, it wouldn’t be possible to get overgrown yeast in your intestine (candida).

Probiotics have three main jobs:

  1. Stopping bad bacteria from overgrowing
  2. Neutralising toxins
  3. Helping the absorption of nutrients whilst keeping the intestine clean.

It’s estimated that an average person has less than 25 per cent of the normal amount of probiotics due to eating an acidic diet of processed, high-protein sugary foods that create a better environment for bad bacteria to grow.

The modern diet encourages overgrown yeast and fungus, which in turn overpowers your probiotics, stopping the well-needed nutrients you eat is absorbed into your body.


The bad guys (pathogens)

Regardless of what you eat, too many bad bacteria can leave you starved of all the nutrients you put in your body, causing illness and disease.

To make things worse, the pathogens (the bad guys) create more waste acid, increasing the problem.

If you don’t digest and convert your food into red blood cells for growth and repair, it will hurt your health, affecting your energy levels, making you sick and increasing the ageing process.

Your red blood cells transform into different cells around your body, your liver, brain, skin and even heart.

Without converting the food you digest into red blood cells, your body will struggle to develop or fight disease.

The small intestine must be alkaline for the food you eat to be transformed into red blood cells.

With a constant consumption of processed foods and excessive dairy and meat, the intestine is constantly bombarded with acid, allowing pathogens (the bad guys) to overgrow, living on your food. That’s not a nice thought, I know. However, you can do something about this.


An acidic pH can lead to cell malnutrition.

The cells in your body bathe in the fluid surrounding them, and we are approximately 70 per cent water.

This fluid allows nutrients to go into cells and toxins to come out. If the fluid has a pH level of between 6.3 and 6.6, the cells can accept nutrients and release toxins easily.

Any more acidic your cells struggle to grow and repair efficiently.


If the body’s pH is acidic, so is the fluid, and the cell’s outer membrane becomes a little thicker to protect the cell from acid.

The body is very versatile and will adapt to change to survive, much like the body will protect the hand by toughening the skin to a callus.

The daunting task of breaking down, recycling and eliminating the wastes created by processing several hundred pounds of dead cells is amazing.

Test your body’s pH levels with pH test strips.



A pathogen called candida is one of the biggest problems in the human body. It’s a form of yeast that can overgrow in the intestines, affecting both males and females.

An easy test for candida is to see if you have white growing on your tongue – a very common sign. In women, candida in large amounts can lead to further yeast infections like thrush.

This microorganism lives in your intestines, eating carbohydrates and sugars.

This can give you uncontrollable urges and cravings to eat foods with high sugar content, allowing yeast to grow and form colonies around the body. Test yourself for candida for free from home.


How does the body naturally detox?

The whole process of metabolic rate and digestion is poisonous.

The waste from cellular breakdown needs to be constantly drained from the body, and this is a recurring life-long process.

The body has natural systems to remove toxins before they build up and damage tissue and organs.

If these toxins were to remain and accumulate in your body, you would suffer an agonising death through poisoning.

The two main organs for detoxification are the liver and kidneys, which filter your body’s fluids, remove toxic substances and purify the body constantly.

If toxins remained and accumulated in the body, you would die of poisoning.


How do toxins weaken my immune system?

Toxins weaken the body’s immune responses, creating stress on the immune system and leaving a gap for organisms and pathogens to invade and use your body as a host.

When the body is faced with an overload of toxins, your secondary organs, such as the large intestine, lungs, bladder and skin, start to help eliminate the extra toxins, putting the whole body under much stress.

Depending on the area involved, this can result in skin irritations, bacterial or viral infections, asthma, sinusitis, and a whole host of other issues.


What you DON’T want to know about colon parasites

Parasites…. the single most missed factor in health.

What do informed people say? We know most animals are full of parasites; thankfully, dogs, cats and horses are regularly treated. But what about humans?

Dr Hulda Clark, a world authority on parasites, states, ‘ We are heavily parasitised beings’. Our bodies are perfect hosts for parasites, providing food and shelter.

If they settled outside our skin, we would see them and take the necessary precautions.

Threadworms are a common parasite, with up to four in 10 children in the UK having threadworms at some stage in their childhood.

Threadworms live in the gut and lay eggs around the anus, which causes itching. Children may pass them on to adults living in the same home.

Consider this, particularly if there’s more than one person in your home with an itchy bottom.

Ann Louise Gittleman, in her book, ‘Guess What Came for Dinner, says of parasites: ‘

They are insidious because of the common misconception among medical people and the general public that parasites are generally a Third World problem where malnutrition and poor hygienic practices exist. Nothing could be farther from the truth.’

It has been estimated that the average human has about a kilogram of parasites.

Worm parasites are more common than most people expect and listed as The Center for Disease Control’s Number One Health Risk.

‘Hookworms sink their teeth into the intestinal walls of more than a billion people every day to drink their fill of blood.’

According to the World Health Organisation, 3.5 billion people suffer from some parasite infection, and not all of these people live in Third World countries.

A Scientist at Ohio University in the US stated: ‘It is estimated that pinworms infect more than 400,000,000 people throughout the world and in many areas of the world (eg, North America and Europe) it is the most common nematode parasite of humans.

On a worldwide basis, however, Ascaris lumbricoides ranks Number One, infecting more than 1,000,000,000 people.

‘Ascaris lumbricoides is one of the largest and most common human parasites.

The adult females of this species can measure up to 18 inches long (males are generally shorter), and it is estimated that 25 per cent of the world’s population is infected with this nematode.

The adult worms live in the small intestine, and eggs are passed in the faeces. A single female can produce up to 200,000 eggs each day!

‘Fasciola hepatica is found in parts of the United States and Great Britain, Ireland, Europe, the Middle East, Far East, Africa, and Australia.’

Can parasites live inside our organs?

Parasites by location within the body:

Alimentary Tract
197 species Cavities
Organs and Tissues
107 species
Circulatory System
21 species
Skin and Tissues
56 species

How can these parasites affect our health?

Louise Gittleman says, ‘ Many unexplained health conditions often disappeared when parasites were eliminated from the body’.

These conditions included ‘environmental illness, skin problems, digestive problems, excessive fatigue, hypoglycaemia, arthritic-like pains, long-standing obesity, and even depression.’


What are the symptoms of internal parasites?

Possible signs and symptoms of internal parasites:

  • Feeling tired most of the time (Chronic Fatigue)
  • Digestive problems
  • Having gastrointestinal symptoms and bulky stools with excess fat in faeces
  • Suffering from food sensitivities and environmental intolerance
  • Developing allergic-like reactions
  • Joint and muscle pains and inflammation are often assumed to be arthritis
  • Suffering from anaemia or iron deficiency (pernicious anaemia)
  • Rashes, weeping eczema, cutaneous ulcers, swelling, sores, papular lesions, itchy dermatitis
  • Suffering from restlessness and anxiety
  • Experiencing multiple awakenings during the night, particularly between 2 am and 3 am
  • Grinding your teeth
  • Excessive amounts of bacterial or viral infections
  • Depression
  • Difficulty gaining or losing weight no matter what you do
  • You can’t figure out why you don’t feel really great, and neither can your doctor
  • Itchy ears, nose, anus
  • Forgetfulness, slow reflexes, gas and bloating, unclear thinking
  • Loss of appetite, yellowish face
  • Fast heartbeat, heart pain, pain in the navel
  • Eating more than normal but still feeling hungry
  • Pain in the back, thighs, shoulders
  • Lethargy
  • Numb hands
  • Burning sensation in the stomach
  • Drooling while sleeping
  • Damp lips at night, dry lips during the day, grinding teeth while asleep
  • Bedwetting
  • Women: problems with the menstrual cycle
  • Men: sexual dysfunction

These are only possible symptoms, so please keep in mind that not everyone with a few symptoms should automatically assume that they’re infected.

However, if you suspect infection or have been unsuccessfully treated for a problem, doing some specific parasite cleansing is worthwhile.


How do we become infected?

Everyone is susceptible.

Let’s look at some of the reasons for rising parasitic infections. This list is taken from pages 9 and 10 of Louise Gittleman’s book, ‘Guess What Came to Dinner’:

  • Rise in international travel.
  • Contamination of municipal and rural water supplies.
  • Increasing use of day-care centres.
  • The influx of refugee and immigrant populations from endemic areas.
  • Return of armed forces from overseas.
  • The continued popularity of household pets.
  • The increasing popularity of exotic regional foods.
  • Use of antibiotics and immunosuppressive drugs.
  • The sexual revolution.
  • The spread of AIDS.


There are four pathways that can be infected:

  • Via food or water – sources of roundworm, amoebae, and giardia.
  • Through the nose and skin – pinworm eggs and Toxoplasma gondii can be inhaled from contaminated dust; hookworms, schistosomes, and Strongyloides can penetrate exposed skin and bare feet.
  • Via a vector – e.g., a mosquito (carrier of dog heartworm, filaria and malaria); a flea (carrier of dog tapeworm); the common housefly (transmits amoebic cysts) and the sand fly (carries leishmaniasis).
  • Via sexual contact – partners can transmit trichomonas, giardia, amoebae.

Some food sources are pork, seafood and undercooked meat.

Too much waste in our bodies from improper eating and accumulated toxins leads to low oxygen levels, which can lead to parasite infestation.

As oxygen levels decrease, fungi or massive parasites overwhelm the body, which can be a factor or cause in most diseases.

For many centuries mankind has sought the aid of herbs to regain control over waste accumulated in the body. Remove the waste, and the parasites can be controlled.

‘Another parasitic pathway is the aeroplane. Extensive foreign travel has exposed people to many exotic diseases never before encountered in their homeland.’


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