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#1 Cause of Candida

Cause of Candida

Cause of Candida

What is the Cause of Candida?

What is the Cause of Candida?

We all have a naturally occurring, minimal level of candida Albicans in the body. Still, it is only when an imbalance occurs that this gets out of control and needs treatment.

If your lifestyle has at any time been a typical Western diet, you may want to consider testing yourself. Of course, if you are having any of the symptoms of candida, it would be very sensible to consider candida treatment.



Where does candida come from, and how does it behave?

Candida albicans is a fungal yeast present in the human gut. Your gut also houses natural (friendly) bacteria, which feed on the yeast, regulating the production and keeping balance.

When this balance is lost, and the yeast outnumbers the friendly bacteria, it can travel around in the blood, landing in the tissues and turning into fungus.

Here, candida begins to proliferate, creating whole colonies. Because candida no longer lives in the gut and is being controlled by our ‘good’ bacteria, it can now spread throughout the body.


The human immune system – when functioning as intended – is a powerhouse which should have no problems detecting and destroying any dangerous invader.

However, due to the exaggerated daily workload due to diet, stress, and environmental toxicity, the immune system is often weakened and poorly equipped to manage this challenging problem.

To make matters worse, the fungus is protected from immune system attacks by its cellular membrane.

This membrane is made of what is known as ‘chitin’, and our cells naturally produce an enzyme called chitinase, which breaks down the wall of the yeast cells so that the immune system can attack it. This process is dysfunctional when we have a weakened immune system.

Thus, growth goes unregulated and can travel through the body, settling wherever it is inhabitable.

Only then may we notice the infection as the physical symptoms start to manifest. A chronic infection – one that has spread to many areas of the body – is sometimes known as systemic candidiasis; usually, this occurs after a long gestation period in which symptoms have gone unrecognised or ignored, allowing the fungus to get a tight grip on the system.

Finding success using the usual methods to combat such a chronic infection can be extremely difficult.


It may be possible to tell whether the infection is more serious due to symptoms like sugar and alcohol cravings, migraines, anxiety, depression, fatigue, vaginitis, poor concentration and confusion (brain fog), skin conditions such as acne or athlete’s foot, hyperactivity, sinus inflammation, irritability, dizziness, low sex drive, earache, chronic pain and muscle weakness.

It is also thought to be a contributor to other diseases such as alcoholism, asthma, Addison’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, IBS, PMS, psoriasis and arthritis.


Cause of Candida and cancer

Medimush has no intention of alarming anybody, but it would be remiss of us to acknowledge the extensive findings of research that show that candida overgrowth can, in extreme cases (when left untreated), lead to cancer.

It should be said that only 100 years ago, one person in one hundred died of cancer. Given that the rates have risen exponentially to date, this indicates that all cancers cannot be blamed on genetics. The logical explanation is that the majority of modern cancer diagnoses can be blamed on lifestyle and the environment.


The main problem is that, aside from some naturally occurring products currently being used to overcome cancer, the use of methods such as steroids, chemotherapy and radiotherapy do nothing to address the cause; instead, they destroy the immune system along with the cancer cells that they do manage to kill.


This, in turn, makes it almost impossible for your body to continue the effective attack against the original causes of cancer. Over time, and especially without developing a healthy lifestyle, it is no surprise that so many cancers return with a vengeance.


Aside from the physical discomfort that cancer can bring, the psychological trauma experienced by sufferers is understandable given that, on the surface, it appears to be such a lottery – in terms of both developing it and recovering from it.


This is extremely unfortunate because, with proper education and research, we can see that so many recover from the condition once they fully understand its causes and the power of some alternative treatments.


It is now much more widely acknowledged that there seems to be a link between candida and cancer. Much evidence suggests that mycology (the study of fungi) can shed light on the issue of cancerous tumours. For example, psoriasis is an incurable skin disease – but many treat it as a fungus.


Tumours are also often considered to be ‘incurable’ diseases, yet there is plenty of evidence to suggest that this does not need to be the case.

It has been observed that in the majority of cases, there is a link between cancer and candidiasis. The symptomatological overlapping of systemic candidiasis and cancer makes this clear. Several authors collected statistics on the coexistence of candida and cancer and reported figures below:

  • R.L. Hopfer 79%
  • U. Kaben 80%
  • W. T. Hughes 91 %
  • T.E. Kiehn 97%


These results strongly indicate that candida is almost always present in the tissues of cancer patients. The phenomenon is normally considered a result of the weakening and exhaustion of the organism due to what is known as neoplastic lesions.

It is, therefore, suggested that while a tumour is growing, candida can penetrate via fissures resulting from the growth. However, it should be considered that the aggression of candida takes place in the carcinogenic sense.


Stages of development of the cause of candida

The first stage of the development of yeast into fungus is its rooting into deep connective tissue within the organs. Then Neoplasia (the formation or presence of new, abnormal growth of tissue) occurs when expansion evokes an organic reaction, which attempts to encyst the fungi colonies.

After this point, growth begins in surrounding tissues and in other areas of the body (known as Metastasis). This leads to progressive exhaustion and eventual complete invasion of the whole body.

Many elements support and confirm the point of view that a fungus causes cancer (as it happens in the vegetal world).

This view continues to spread among scientists globally. Still, Doctor Tulio Simoncelli, an Italian oncologist and long-time advocate of this conclusion, is perhaps the most famous example of this in current times because of his practical work and success in treating cancers on this basis. Dr Simoncini believes that fungus is underestimated because it is not fully understood.

He began his research after noticing that there was a link between all cancers; they all behaved in the same manner regardless of the diversity of causing circumstances. Eventually, he found that most cancers appeared white and concluded that these tumours were made of fungus. Candida albicans is also white in appearance.

In oncology, candida is considered an opportunistic organism that attaches to developing tumours.

Yet the study of candida’s effect within the bloodstream when progressing into candidiasis contradicts this view. As previously mentioned, the yeast is free to roam the body once it has escaped from the gut into the bloodstream.

Fungi are anaerobic, meaning that they don’t require oxygen for survival. Where they land in the body, they can make the conditions of that environment anaerobic, which encourages cancer growth. On top of this, a by-product of yeast is alcohol, which is a food for cancer cells.

According to the Contemporary Oncology Magazine 1993 in America, cancer patients who underwent radiotherapy or chemotherapy did not finally succumb to cancer itself but to an infestation of candida albicans (candida).

It, therefore, seems that, as stated earlier, the commonly accepted cancer treatments actually exacerbate the problem. For this reason, it is paramount that people who have received such treatments take every precaution possible to avoid candida infection.

You can find out how you may have developed a candida infection here.

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